Thursday 21 June 2007

Living in Virtual World

Well..I know this is like old hat to many people but for those of us on the other side of forty we are catching up on the net in our slow but steady way. We have not zoomed into the net for the fear of crashing computers and not chatted online coz we were brought up with the ides, " do not write and put it down in black n white". It took us time to realize that the net is as transient as the spoken today and gone tomo... so now we chat with vengeance. We did not join orkut or face book or any of the networking sites, nervous that someone would misuse our page... one wonders in today's world people don't have time for themselves, leave alone for others... that all these are narcissist devices...we are happy that we are somewhere on the net and when someone random does a "google" on our name we show up...
so well here I am wondering how to fill up all this space with trivialities or something more meaningful (for whom?). Till I figure out what to do..CU

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